Love the “Good Parts of Me”
Since opening her doors in January, Jeri’s clients have one common thread running through their boudoir sessions – a valuable takeaway. For one client the takeaway was that her self-worth had always been present despite failing to see it and current beauty expectations. For one client, the takeaway was on the importance of self-care, especially as a woman and mother in today’s world. For Miss E, who describes herself as bold, strong, confident, loved, and hard-working, the takeaway is that it is time to stop focusing on her insecurities and to begin to love the various parts of herself, especially the good ones.

Miss E was referred to Jeri by a previous client. She had never done a boudoir photography session before and so, was, “excited but also nervous.” She wasn’t sure what to expect but she knew that she wanted to give boudoir photography a shot. Miss E was especially excited to see if she enjoyed modeling and to try out the various poses.

Her favorite part of the session was feeling comfortable in her own skin. While some might feel nervous being in a state of exposure in front of the camera, Miss E said that she, “felt pretty comfortable,” and that, “Jeri has a comforting vibe.” To women who might want to give boudoir photography a shot, but are worried about being vulnerable in front of a camera, she reminds us to just, “…breathe. Your body does so much for you. This is the moment to show that you love it.”

Because of her photography session with JHP, Miss E learned that she is so much more comfortable in her own skin than she had realized. She was also reminded of how much time can be wasted on worrying about insecurities rather than loving the “good parts of me.” She noted that even her significant other noticed a change in her confidence, but does not yet know the cause as she is going to surprise him with the photographs from the session.

Miss E also joked with Jeri that she had her eyes opened to just how much she actually hates shaving. (I think most of us can relate to that!) Miss E hopes to play around with photography as a hobby, and to maybe be a part of [paid] photography session.
Her advice to women is to, “Love your body,” and “Do the thing! There is nothing stopping you but you.”