Thoughts on Why You Should Just “Do the Damn [Boudoir] Thing…”
From Miss T
No matter how much confidence a woman has, life brings its ups and downs. And while it can be easy to feel great about ourselves when we are on a high – when we are in shape, when our work is going well, our children are cooperating, and we somehow seem to have figured out the whole work-life-balance-thing, it can only take one moment to upend that groove. Or sometimes we feel out of sorts for no specific reason. Did you know that by the age of 17, 78% of girls are unhappy with their bodies? According to one study only 4% of women feel beautiful. On top of that, a woman’s confidence declines with experience.* (Statistics based on studies from 2019.)
For her own personal reasons, Miss T, a confident woman who describes herself as, “funny, beautiful, caring, inspiring, and stunning,” found herself feeling a bit down. It turns out all she needed was a luxury boudoir photography session with Jeri Hoag to get her feeling like herself again. And we can see why. I mean look at this woman!

Miss T had never done a boudoir session before, so of course when her friend recommended the session and she booked it, she felt a bit nervous. She was unsure of what it might feel like to have a stranger take pictures of her, and she was nervous about showing her body to someone that she didn’t even know. However, Miss T said that, “…after the first thirty minutes of talking and getting ready, my nerves were so much better.” She went on to say, “You feel so in control once you see how you looked… This changed the way I viewed myself and how I feel is absolutely amazing.”

So if a boudoir session with Jeri of Jeri Hoag photography restored Miss T’s confidence and got her feeling like her gorgeous self again, will it do the same for you? Should you book with JHP? To that, Miss T says, “Just do the damn thing. I felt so powerful after my shoot and left with a smile on my face.”

A word of advice from Miss T: “Love the body that you’re in. You’ll be amazed at what it can do.”

*Questions from the Writer: Is this due to the way society views age? Is this because as a woman gains knowledge, experience, and insight, she might be more likely to see how difficult it can be to climb the ladder in the workplace? Or is it possible the workplace does not value confident women and so, we fear experience and knowledge?
Slaughter, Colleen. “These Stats on Women’s Confidence Will Shock You.” Authentic Leadership International, 7 Feb. 2019,